SMS Reporting
SMS alarming and reporting for industrial, office and private use

The machine operator discovers a failure. With the help of a sipmle terminal (PC, PDA, web client or even just a single button) chooses failure symptoms that have been discovered. Based on the noticed symptoms the system automatically determines the probable failure and sends a SMS with predefined text to specified phone numbers. The time and type of sent SMS is logged.
More details about the use and implementation and price offer will be delivered on demand.
The increase in using of mobile communication in last years was so great that nowadays probably you will not find someone without a mobile phone. The mobile communication found its place in industrial, administrative and also in private sphere. Besides traditional communication, such as phone calls, non-voice communication via SMS message is being used more and more. The important factor is quite high speed for a cheap price of sent SMS message.
Based on great ground line of GSM technology and broad spectrum of possibilities our company decided to introduce a simple solutions in the form of SMS REPORTING to the market. This solution offers you significantly greater options of using SMS communication. In case you want to bring your business one step higher, this system is designed just for you.
The areas of successful utilization of SMS REPORTING
- Administrative tasks: Information about customer's or employee's request that has been fulfilled or is in progress.
- Monitoring of production with the possibility of informing competent employees about measured values and important production status.
- Monitoring of important parameters with the possibility of sending SMS messages as alarms about current values to competent employees (in case a value is out of specified limit).
- In logistics for management of employees tasks, eventually informing about current status of distribution and deliveries.
- Informing of competent employees (e.g. service employees) about failures or emergency situation without a delay.
- Informing of employees about business meetings and important schedules.
- Other applications based on human resources, computers or other devices.
Advantages of SMS REPORTING
- Simple and intuitive system configuration.
- Simple interconnectivity with your application. The system is capable of processing data from multiple sources:
- from a web application
- directly from a database
- from any other external data source that supports OPC interface (open connectivity via open standards)
- Creation and sending of a SMS message based on processed data in a defined format.
- Creation and sending of a SMS message based on its importance or priority.
- Creation and sending of a SMS message based on predefined conditions.
- Sending of SMS messages to big number of recipients.
- Transparent evidence of sent SMS messages.
- Transparent evidence of activity logs.
- Highly flexible and open system allowing fulfilling all customer's demands at maximum level.
It is possible to implement and modify simple and fully flexible SMS REPORTING to your needs. Example of SMS message utilization as a way of communication is showed at figure below.