Energy Consumption monitoring and analysis
For whom is it dedicated

- Energy and facility managers
- Integrator companies
How it can be useful for energy and facility managers
- Overview of the actual energy consumption
- Overview of the historical data
- Cost information
- Tools to analyze consumption and costs
- Predictions of the consumption and costs
- Reporting in different formats, for different time spans, their management and printing
- Sending of alarms for defined conditions by E-mail or over SMS
- Comparing of consumption on different places
- Comparing of actual consumption with average and maximal consumption for different time ranges
- Archiving of the maximal and average values daily, weekly, monthly and yearly as well as for every week day.
- Defining of tariffs
- Access to data in LAN and over Internet
- Numerical and graphical data views
- Grouping of data according to the different criteria
- Back up of the configurable data
- Binary values views
- Visualisation according to the place and a consumption type
- Analytical functions preconfigured according to the your needs
- on line – according to the data saved in system
- off line – according to the backed up data and reports in MS Excel™ format. Many different numerical and graphical data views
- Fast solving of your specific requirements
- Extensive basic functionality in fixed price
- Budget-priced accommodation to your specific requirements
- Possibility to monitor an energy consumption from renewable and unconventional energy sources
- Tree view structure of the actual and historical data view. We create this structure for you. You can make its changing and modification also yourself, if you like.
- Optionally, DDE communication with different applications, e.g. with MS Excel
How it can be used by integrator companies
- Connecting of energy meters communicating with whatever communication protocol – independence on hardware vendor
- Laborious programming is replaced by configuring and parametrizing
- High flexibility – you can program your own configurable modules – enhancing of the base system according to your needs. Except of configurable database commands, you can use also SQL to provide more complex database functionality.
- Enhancing of standard visualisation - standard data views, an application specific visualisation using whatever HTML editor.
- You can use own visualisation software, e.g. MS Excel™, MS Visio™, MS Silverlight™ and others communicating over OPC, web services or DDE and even using different proprietary communication protocols.
- Possibility to optimize by partitioning of on-line analytical functions between application for data collection and handling and the visualisation application.
- Efficient tool using MS Excel to configure different off line analytical functions
Object of delivery
- For energy and facility managers
- completed software application providing the data collecting, handling and the visualisation accommodated to concrete requirements, taking into account points of supply, their placing, used energy meters and communication protocols
- licences for base software for data collecting and handling
- licence for an efficient off line analysis software tool
- to the communication drivers specific for connected energy meters
- documentation to the base software
- application specific documentation
- For the integrator companies
- Developer’s licences for base software
- for data collecting and handling
- visualisation web application
- visualisation desktop application
- licence for efficient software tool for off line analysis
- budget priced licences to the base software for using by end customers
- documentation to the base software
- For energy and facility managers
- by parameterization of the system
- by creation of off-line analysis
- support service according to the dedicated service agreement
- For integrator companies
- by parameterization of the system
- by programming of own configurable modules
- overtaking of the some new parts development of the system according to your requirements
- by visualization application development
- pre-paid packages of the software support
SAEAUT EnergyMA components
The package consists of our next standard products:
- OpcDbGateway for data collecting and handling,
- SAEAUT OPCWebExplorer for visualisation over Internet and intranet ,
- OPCAdapter for easy visualisation in LAN..
These products are preconfigured for a standard monitoring and on-line analysis of the energy costs. Energy meters are connected to the system most often over OPC servers from other vendors, or by communication drivers programmed such a way to be able to use them as additional configurable modules for OpcDbGateway™. Extensive off line analysis can be done using software tool Energy Lens™ running within MS Excel.