latest news and announcements
02 Jun 2010 17:02
SAEAUT SMS Server Professional ver. 2.1The software product SAEAUT SMS Service enables a complex solution of the many-purpose SMS communication in a company. It can be used either by our standard or by customer’s SMS client applications. The newest ver. 2.1 of our SMS products brings many improvements. A customer can buy either standalone products, or budget priced software bundle named SAEAUT SMS Server Professional . It includes, except of one licence on the SAEAUT SMS Service, also 4 licenses on SAEAUT SMS client, which enables together 5 accesses within LAN, and 1 license on SAEAUT SMS WEB Client, enabling none restricted amount of accesses from intranet or Internet. Amount of the connected customer client applications is not restricted. This way, the SMS communication in a company can be solved either using GSM modem or SMS web gateway. It can be completed with alternative e-mail communication on request as well.