Flexible, user-friendly and affordable SCADA / HMI with a Web client
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Current version overview:
SAEAUT SCADA™ is easy-to-use, flexible, user friendly and affordable solution for control, monitoring, process automation, alarm processing, event handling, control of external applications, data logging and storage. Web client application enables visualise data in different web browsers on PC, tablet or smart phone.
It can be used in wide spectra of industrial sectors, utilities, power stations, intelligent houses and buildings.The primer implementation principle - server / client makes it possible to form equally compact as well as distributed solutions.
Basic arrangement consists of server application, configuration application and web client application - SAEAUT SCADA Web Client™ installed on one computer. In principle it is possible to have SCADA Web Client installed on a different computer as a SCADA server. When first installed on a computer a small process database (usable till 2GB) with preconfigured tables for alarming and simulation OPC server to demonstrate communication with connected devices are installed as well. The demo configuration can be started immediately after installation. Using that, you can easily learn how to create configurations for your own applications. Basic arangments can be easily enhanced with:
- one or more own process databases e.g. SQL server or MySQL
- OPC and DDE servers
- communication drivers implemented as DLL and ActiveX
- external applications that can be controlled from SAEAUT SCADA™

Figure 1: SAEAUT SCADA™ compact deployment - SCADA server and SCADA client are on the same comuter.
SAEAUT SCADA™ - Main Features:
- communication with various devices, applications, databases
- OPC and DDE servers
- with exploitation of DLL, ActiveX
- through database drivers
- data processing
- configurable (rich functionality without programming)
- programmable (with enhancing DLL's)
- logging in files and databases
- alarm systems:
- according to OPC AE standard
- proprietary - with alarms history
- alarm client applications:
- desktop - in configuration application
- Web client
- reports:
- configured (report is defined using configuration application)
- interactive (request to create report is defined in client application)
- using MS Excel
- historical trends - created easily by software wizard.
- SMS and E-mail can be used for logging, alarms and for application control
- visualization
- SAEAUT SCADA Web Client™
- structured view of the actual data in directory tree structure
- view of tabular data from process databases using SQL commands either automatically generated or user-defined in the Web client
- creating of interactive reports - it can export data from a database table view in the client application using formats csv, xls, pdf and doc.
- log files viewer. Log files can contain messages about functionality of the SCADA server itself with defined level of details as well as parameterized user messages, in which the parameters are replaced at runtime by the current values of selected variables
- Secure access to current data and data in process databases
- connection to MS Excel over DDE (or OPC DA)
- user's HMI over OPC DA
- SAEAUT SCADA Web Client™

Figure 2: SAEAUT SCADA Web Client™ views.
SAEAT SCADA Web Client - on line help
SAEAUT SCADA Server (OpcDbGateway) - on line help