software for management of failure actions and maintenance through SMS (GSM)

The machine operator discovers a failure. With the help of a sipmle terminal (PC, PDA, web client or even just a single button) chooses failure symptoms that have been discovered. Based on the noticed symptoms the system automatically determines the probable failure and sends a SMS with predefined text to specified phone numbers. The time and type of sent SMS is logged.
More details about the use and implementation and price offer will be delivered on demand.
If you have more machines and devices allocated in various plants and you need to inform responsible employees about a failure or emergency situation without any time delay then our software is designed for you.
How it works:
The machine operator discovers a failure. With the help of a sipmle terminal (PC, PDA, web client or even just a single button) chooses failure symptoms that have been discovered. Based on the noticed symptoms the system automatically determines the probable failure and sends a SMS with predefined text to specified phone numbers. The time and type of sent SMS is logged.
SMSalarmMaintenance allows to:
send information with predefined message through SMS to one or more phone numbers
create a phone address book with responsible persons (or job posts)
create predefined text of SMS messages
set failure symptoms (exposals) and probable failures together with assigned phone numbers (SMS receivers) or group of phone numbers
define the logic of failure identification (e.g.: if symptom3 and together symptom4 then failure6, for a such failure a SMS as follows will be send: device4-failure6)
initiate SMS notifications about regular device maintenance in the form: devicee4-maintenance-type8
save information about failures and maintenance into a log file and/or database
extend the system in a simple way about more functions, such as:
- sending SMS messages based on continuous measurements on devices
- sending of e-mails
- reporting
- access to information via internet/intranet