Neuheiten und Aktualisierungen, neue Produkt-Releases, Ankündigungen
16 Oct 2018 12:53
New description of OpcDbGateway, presentation to ver. 5.xOpcDbGateway's new description emphasizes its use as an application platform for software application integration, configuration, programming, debugging and cyclical (IEC 61131-3) and event-driven (IEC 61499) data processing, the ability to utilize a wide range of "open source" standard console applications implemented eg . in C, C ++, Python, an application over Node.js in JavaScript, or deployed with Docker Containers and communicating through standard inputs and outputs with the runtime application core.
Version 5 has brought many improvements and extensions to the OpcDbGateway configuration and runtime apps. You can also see their overview and configuration practices in a presentation.