Site Admin
Joined: 01 Jan 1970
Posts: 16777215
Company: SAE - Automation
If you have more machines and devices allocated in various plants and you need to inform responsible employees about a failure or emergency situation without any time delay then <a href="/solutions/smsalarmmaintenance.htm">our software</a> is designed for you.
<a href="/solutions/smsalarmmaintenance.htm"><img src="/images/common/smsalarmmaintenance.gif" width="80" height="63" align="left" border="0" alt="SMSalarmMaintenance" hspace="10"></a> The machine operator discovers a failure. With the help of a sipmle terminal (PC, PDA, web client or even just a single button) chooses failure symptoms that have been discovered. Based on the noticed symptoms the system automatically determines the probable failure and sends a SMS with predefined text to specified phone numbers. The time and type of sent SMS is logged.
For more details <a href="/sk/solutions/smsalarmmaintenance.htm">visit page SMSalarmMaintenace</a> in the section Solutions. |